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Sunbeam Service Centers in Plano

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Sunbeam technical support center in Plano, Texas


Brand Appliance & Microwave
2751 South Staples Street
Corpus Christi, Texas
Phone: 361-854-1851
Fax: 361-854-1812
Email: brand@ccinternet.net


Shaver Service Center
9705 Burnet Road Suite 109
Austin , Texas
Phone: 512-454-5848
Fax: 512-716-8009
Email: shaverservice@gmail.com


Reids Appliance Service
906 South Georgia Street
Amarillo, Texas
Phone: 806-373-8812
Fax: 806-371-0844


4409 50th Street
Lubbock, Texas
Phone: 806-799-3170
Fax: 806-799-3124
Email: mintersrw@nts-online.net


Fort Worth Shaver and Appliance
1900 Montgomery Street
Fort Worth, Texas
Phone: 817-335-9970
Fax: 817-732-1456
Email: ftworthshaver@hotmail.com


Support for Sunbeam products

Appliances-Kitchen and Irons - (800) 458-8407
Bedding - (800) 892-7684
Health @ Home® - (800) 435-1250
Health o Meter® Scales - (800) 672-5625
Heat To GO™ - (800) 435-1250
Heaters, Humidifiers and Fans - (888) 264-9669
Oster® Professional Clippers - (800) 887-6682
Oster® Retail Clippers - (800) 339-2547
Sunbeam® Outdoor Grills - (800) 200-2300



Sunbeam Service



Zip Code: 75023